Part 3 - Dress Like A Realtor

It might not be something your real estate agent has ever thought of… Or maybe they just haven’t said it out loud. But dressing like a realtor is vital to winning their business!

Unlike Wedding or portrait photography, you are not just representing your business anymore. You are now representing your real estate agent.

Your wardrobe doesn’t need to be anything ridiculous or expensive. But you will need to look professional. Whether that means shopping off clearance racks or finding things at thrift store.

What I see a lot of realtors wearing, and what I prefer to wear would be a pair of dress pants, and a dressy shirt. Depending on the home in photographing, I may touch up my outfit with a few tasteful accessories (such as a statement piece for a necklace, or fancy earrings).

I would absolutely avoid jeans at all cost. In my work as a real estate photographer, I have yet to see a realtor show up wearing a pair jeans - even when the homeowners are not home.

Dressing for success might sound cheesy - but it’s expected in the real estate world.

I also bring various shoes with me… And socks are a must! The homeowners you will be working with have spent countless hours – or hired someone – to clean their home to perfection. The last thing they want is you walking across their beautiful floors with messy shoes. Come prepared to take your shoes off at each and every home you photograph.

Not a fan of socks or removing your shoes when you’re photographing 3+ properties in a day? I suggest these your own pair of booties:

Snap on Shoe Covers:

Disposable Shoe Covers:

I’d also suggest bringing a back up pair of boots/rain boots. I live in Wisconsin, and snowy days are nothing new. Walking through puddles of slush and through muddy yards are quite normal.

I’m also super thankful for rain boots! With a time and stress it takes to prepare the inside of the home for listing images, the backyard is often neglected… And, as you can imagine, this is where the furry family pet tends to do their business. Ah hem...

It didn’t take me long to realize that a washable pair of boots or shoes was and essential part of my wardrobe.

Tired of making grumpy kids smile for pictures? Burned out with wedding photography? Need your weekends back? I totally get it. Why? This was me. Real estate photography has opened so many opportunities for me - and I want to share what I've learned with you too!

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