Part 5 - Finding Your First Client

Woohoo!! You're ready to find your first realtor. But how? What do you have to do in order to contact them?

I've done all the hard work, and have contacted these realtors for you! I got some AMAZING answers and honest feedback.

The big question?

"How do you want people to contact you?"

I'm going to divide their answers into two different columns. And as a disclaimer:


That actually blew my mind. Between 7 agents, those things weren't even brought up.

Event though having an awesome portfolio with high quality work is really important - we're going to take a deep breath *BREATHE* and see what they had to say...

QUALIFICATIONS: What qualifies you to even approach them?

  • On Time - Your realtor and their sellers are busy people. Please show up on time. Occasionally, you'll have a homeowner who schedules images around their lunch break.
  • Speed (turn-around-time) - At the MOST, images need to be delivered within 24 hours.
  • Easy To Contact - When pictures need to be done, they need to be done quickly! So, having a flexible schedule is vital. I have to be honest though - within the last 3 years, I've only done 1 Saturday shoot (my choice). But don't forget... this is your business! If you don't want to work on a weekend, just say you're not available. And, if you're worth it, they'll work around your schedule. Some people use an online scheduling system or app... But I like to keep things simple! My realtors book me by calling or texting. It's an efficient way to get a hold of someone.
  • No/Little Direction - You may be asked to show up at a home without the realtor. So they're looking for someone who can plan angles without direction.
  • Good Equipment - Low quality, wide-angle lenses can give distortion. Technology has advanced leaps and bounds, so I'm not to worried about this one.
  • Providing Tips and Tricks - These are tips or tricks that they can send to their sellers/buyers. It can be as simple as a blog post or a check list.

HOW TO CONTACT THEM: Now that we have the ground work laid out... here's the best way to contact them!

  • If you call, you might get their assistant - If your realtor is super busy, they might not be available to chat on the phone. Don't let that discourage you!
  • They might work at home - Make sure you know where they're working out of!
  • If you're going to send/drop off something, follow up! - I've heard of people drop off doughnuts or bagels at an office with their logo on the box. If you're going to send a not too, add something custom and personal! Let them know that you're already following them on social media.
  • Emails can get lost - I'm old. I grew up in the AOL "You've Got Mail" era. And I dread sorting through lines of emails. Honestly. I'm looking for someone to hire to sort through emails for me.
  • Use compelling language - Talk about how you're want to be a part of their team! They want to sound like they're offering their homeowners an entire staff of people to help sell their home! Talk about how you want to work with them to help sell homes!
  • Contact the Homeowner with a "Deal" card - Send a postcard directly to the homeowner with the text, "Hey! I noticed your agent didn't use __________ as their photographer. Give your agent this post card for special pricing!"

So, what am I doing?

My "master plan" started a few months ago... I've already scoped out a few select realtors who look busy on social media, and I began by just interacting with them (comments on posts, answering questions, getting excited about homes they've sold).

I'm sending each of these "select" agents a $10 gift card for coffee with a note that says, "

Don't look desperate. Seriously. You might be desperate, but act like it's no big deal.

If you're still looking for a realtor to work with you... MAKE YOURSELF THE EXPERT!! There's not many of us. It's not hard to do.

You can be the expert by posting tips and tricks for homeowners and for realtors on your Facebook page or blog.

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